Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The little one in our life is sick. She does not feel like playing but she tries.
Remember when you were small. There are always hurdles. This wee one is
Cutting teeth and it isn't easy. She has no control in what order they will  appear,
and no understanding of the pain. Besides that she cannot tell anyone how it hurts

What was your hurdle? Kindergarten? First grade?

Monday, September 1, 2014

How could we miss September 1? My how time gets away! You blink your eye and it won' be long until Christmas. I am guilty, I think of Christmas decorating before the Thanksgiving turkey is cooked. We do observe Thanksgiving with thankful hearts. We always hope the weather holds and harvest is finished. Then there are the deer hunters! Enough said. Do men really enjoy "roughing it" or simply enjoy the camaraderie of friends. I believe the latter. So what happens in between? Being thankful on 9-11, and remembering those who fell, those who grieve. Thankful, remembering the terror of 9-11 has not reoccurred but listening and watchful of the present dangers in our world, we will care what happens to other nations. In our own lives there are situations we each must deal with. I wish you wisdom and grace and for myself also. Rest well. Blessings.