Sunday, December 28, 2014

The year is nearing the end. It has been a good year and yet filled with health issues. Not mine. It is strange how the calendar becomes an important scheduling device that rules your life. How has your year been? Have you justified the New Years resolutions you made first of the year? If not, I guess it is time to make new resolutions. We were discussing the activity of the family. The toddler has filled our life with many chuckles, while the kindergarten girl shared what she was learning. We forget those days of school, the learning process, the songs, the programs, the anticipation of all things accomplished. Then we watch the sincerity on their faces and our hearts just melt. They, too, will grow up to face life. It seems the first part of the year brings taxes. The middle of the year requires maintenance and yard work, while the last always keeps us busy pulling it all together in time to pay taxes again. Isn't there an old saying, two things are for certain, death and taxes? As we have just finished Christmas, it is interesting Joseph went up to pay his taxes. Christmas was good at our house. We tried to return to a time of family being more important than wearing ourselves thin searching for certain gifts. It all came together. What an amazing feat to order on-line and save ones self from struggling through the crowd. The oldest family member read the Christmas story, one of the youngest begin the prayer and everyone sang the carols. It was harmonious. Smile, there, because we know there are times feelings are ruffled. If they were, the recipient covered well. My time to smile. I wish you peace and joy as this year comes to a close. I count my blessings. Blessings to you until next post.