Thursday, August 13, 2015

Time does get away! In the time I've been away, the hot weather arrived and lawmakers mowing became a weekly task. I've had several book signings and two radio interviews. You can tell a great interviewer  when you feel more like it is a visit than an interview. Faunne and Brittany were excellent. I may not have jumped on an opportunity to "tout"  book Forbidden because we were "talking." If you haven't read my books, start with #1, Forgive, move on to #2 Forbidden and the #3 Frsaken s now on the shelf.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It is amazing, we have endured the cold of Winter, used it effectively by finding time to rest, in spite of ourselves, come through the rainy season of every weeks offering and are so near the Fourth of July we hear the firecrackers! You may smile there, as we suspect it is graduating seniors celebrating! Twelve years old school have come to an end. Plans for the future have been made. Now to see those plans through! Here on Springhill Drive, we have one more grand to finish high school, four more years, and they will go quickly, then we wait for the little "greats," if we endure. In my late bloom as an author books one, two, and three in this months time will be on the shelf. I remember the person at the publishing company saying, "a year is nothing in a writers life. You have to get five or ten under your belt and don't expect any money for that length of time, either, because it's like a pie, by the time everyone gets a slice the pie will be gone." O.k. I did not figure a get rich scheme. However, the writing puts the painting on the back burner. Which I  realize I'm not that great, anyway and what do you do with those paintings, anyway? I think I'm an organized collector! Well as life turns the wheel, for now we are o.k.   Bob passed the eighteen month mark the dr. Gave him last week and I'm praying he's going for a year and another and another. (I am selfish there). Wishing you a peaceful day and restful week, those at home hours. I hope you buy my books, from me, even. forgiven, Forbidden and Forsaken! There may be something in them you would enjoy reading!  Blessings. See you later

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

To say I've been unable to post is an understatement. Just smile here. I type it in  and lose the entire post. Today I'll try again. Our year has passed first quarter. Taxes and lawn mowing have arrived. I watched the men in the family (father and son) fertilize the lot across the way that we call "the park" for lack of a better word and I wondered if we needed lush grass there to mow twice a week? But men are men and it will even out as the lot has a slope and spring rains run pretty free. Our winter of ice and snow changed to spring rains. Not a lot of corn has been planted in our area while the ground is slowly beginning to warm. Easter has come and gone; that time to remember who we are, why we are and what it's all about. Maybe we first have to remember it's not about us. We did not pay the price but we can reap the benefits. Choice. We choose. A risen Saviour does not demand but gives choice.  As the days slide into summer and the plans we all hope to achieve come in to play, let us all stop as the expression goes, "stop to smell the roses," life is short and we must not miss the small things in life, for one dat they are the important things of life. Blessings.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The year is nearing the end. It has been a good year and yet filled with health issues. Not mine. It is strange how the calendar becomes an important scheduling device that rules your life. How has your year been? Have you justified the New Years resolutions you made first of the year? If not, I guess it is time to make new resolutions. We were discussing the activity of the family. The toddler has filled our life with many chuckles, while the kindergarten girl shared what she was learning. We forget those days of school, the learning process, the songs, the programs, the anticipation of all things accomplished. Then we watch the sincerity on their faces and our hearts just melt. They, too, will grow up to face life. It seems the first part of the year brings taxes. The middle of the year requires maintenance and yard work, while the last always keeps us busy pulling it all together in time to pay taxes again. Isn't there an old saying, two things are for certain, death and taxes? As we have just finished Christmas, it is interesting Joseph went up to pay his taxes. Christmas was good at our house. We tried to return to a time of family being more important than wearing ourselves thin searching for certain gifts. It all came together. What an amazing feat to order on-line and save ones self from struggling through the crowd. The oldest family member read the Christmas story, one of the youngest begin the prayer and everyone sang the carols. It was harmonious. Smile, there, because we know there are times feelings are ruffled. If they were, the recipient covered well. My time to smile. I wish you peace and joy as this year comes to a close. I count my blessings. Blessings to you until next post.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The little one in our life is sick. She does not feel like playing but she tries.
Remember when you were small. There are always hurdles. This wee one is
Cutting teeth and it isn't easy. She has no control in what order they will  appear,
and no understanding of the pain. Besides that she cannot tell anyone how it hurts

What was your hurdle? Kindergarten? First grade?

Monday, September 1, 2014

How could we miss September 1? My how time gets away! You blink your eye and it won' be long until Christmas. I am guilty, I think of Christmas decorating before the Thanksgiving turkey is cooked. We do observe Thanksgiving with thankful hearts. We always hope the weather holds and harvest is finished. Then there are the deer hunters! Enough said. Do men really enjoy "roughing it" or simply enjoy the camaraderie of friends. I believe the latter. So what happens in between? Being thankful on 9-11, and remembering those who fell, those who grieve. Thankful, remembering the terror of 9-11 has not reoccurred but listening and watchful of the present dangers in our world, we will care what happens to other nations. In our own lives there are situations we each must deal with. I wish you wisdom and grace and for myself also. Rest well. Blessings.

Friday, August 29, 2014

I am truly amazed that we take so many things for granted and often fail to appreciate the availability of  what makes life easier until we lose something. What we lose differs for each person. Children lose parents. That is an adjustment. We lose people who have made our world secure. Our hearts grieve. Yesterday, encountering a man whose story went like this, made me think. He went to bed as usual to awaken the next morning blind. He had a stroke in the middle of the night. Sight was gone. Another person, at a fast food place struggled to stand. A year ago, he said I had little difficulty rising to my feet. Now Arthritis has claimed him. (in one day, stories of loss and the various ways people cope with loss)"I hear you are having a book published," one greeted me. "Any characters with real life problems in it."  "What age person are you interested in?" "Well, I'm feeling old today," he said. I laughed. "Well, you might like Ruthie. she is three but feels like four, or the neighbor next door, a wealthy lady who has no one and demands everyone stay off her property, until the ice storm when her furnace quits. Or, there's the young widow or the young divorcee. Take your pick." "I'll think about it," he said, What's the name of your book?"  Forgiven. I appreciate that he asked. Rest well.